Greetings one and all, welcome to Jazz Impressions!
Jazz Impressions is a blog dedicated to sharing great music from across the spectrum with the aim of showing the connections between tracks by the musicians we love.
The idea for the blog was inspired by the great jazz pianist Thelonious Monk and how he apparently loved to play ping pong. And like the ping pong ball that went back and forth across the table between Monk and fellow jazz cats, we thought it would be fun to share some of the music that we’re passionate about in our own game of musical ping pong.
The idea is simple: each post will focus on a particular track and will always be followed by a post focussing on another track connected in some way to the one before. This connection may be the same artist, album, year, label, lineup or another interesting connection. It is worth noting that whilst the name of this blog refers to ‘jazz’ specifically, posts will not be exclusively restricted to ‘jazz’ in regards to genre. We are instead approaching this from the standpoint that jazz is best understood as a creative attitude to music making rather than as a specific genre, and can therefore take many forms. Many tracks in the posts to follow will draw on a broad range of musical genres such as Hip Hop, Psych and Prog Rock, Electronic and beyond. However, a jazz approach and aesthetic will be the connective glue that links everything together.
Every time a new track is posted, this will be added to the Jazz Impressions Spotify playlist which will contain all the tracks we have posted so far in the order they appeared on the blog. In addition, a photo relating to the post will be added to the Jazz Impressions Instagram, enabling us to track the visual progression of the project. Where possible, the tracks and images posted will be drawn from albums in our own personal record collections although sometimes we will make exceptions to this rule in the name of sharing great music!
We hope that through this blog we can introduce other curious listeners to some amazing new music they’ve never heard before, or for those who already may be familiar with some of the tracks we post, provide a fresh perspective on the music we love. The musical rabbit hole is never-ending and there’s a world of incredible music to explore…
We hope you enjoy the musical journey.
Ollie and Dan a.k.a. Two Blue Jazz Cats